I've often contemplated what John the Beloved meant when He described Jesus as having "eyes like a flame of fire." Were His eyes like human eyes with fiery irises? Was there just burning fire coming out of the holes where His eyes should be? Did seeing His eyes captivate you the way staring at fire does? Were His eyes just really bright? WHAT IN THE WORLD DID HE MEAN?!! Then, I started thinking more about the person and less about the eyes. Think about what it would be like to look into the eyes of One WITHOUT AGE. The eyes of Someone who is INFINITE. Someone who knows ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING about you. Eyes burning with the fullness of DESIRE for your heart. Eyes set ablaze with ZEALOUS, JEALOUS LOVE for you. Eyes that you CANNOT ESCAPE from. Eyes that you DON'T WANT TO ESCAPE from. Eyes that are so ALIEN, UNNERVING, AND TERRIFYING that you're trembling all over with fear, but at the same time are so FAMILIAR, COMFORTING, AND BEAUTIFUL that you don't want to look away. Eyes that hold the very essence of LOVE, MERCY, AND TENDERNESS, but also the absolute potency of WRATH, JUSTICE, AND ZEAL. The eyes that see into the deepest darkest abyss of your wickedness, sin, and filth, yet they are the same eyes that looked upon you in the epitome of desire and asked the Father for you to be with Him forever. These are the eyes which radiate with the love that is stronger than the grave. These are the eyes kindled with the yearning that caused a perfect, holy God to take on human flesh, live a human life, be bound by puny Roman chains, scorned, spit upon, slapped, punched, beat, scourged, mocked, humiliated, blasphemed, nailed to a tree, and to give up His very life for the weak, broken, inconsistent, unfaithful, inglorious, unworthy, inferior, selfish, pitiful love that we would give Him in return. These are the eyes of perfect wisdom. These are the eyes of endless beauty. These are the eyes that we are all meant to spend our lives gazing upon and loving. One glimpse of these eyes is worth highest price, the greatest sacrifice, the fullest surrender. One glimpse of the eyes of this Man is all that I am living for.