
Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Eyes Like A Flame Of Fire

I've often contemplated what John the Beloved meant when He described Jesus as having "eyes like a flame of fire." Were His eyes like human eyes with fiery irises? Was there just burning fire coming out of the holes where His eyes should be? Did seeing His eyes captivate you the way staring at fire does? Were His eyes just really bright? WHAT IN THE WORLD DID HE MEAN?!! Then, I started thinking more about the person and less about the eyes. Think about what it would be like to look into the eyes of One WITHOUT AGE. The eyes of Someone who is INFINITE. Someone who knows ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING about you. Eyes burning with the fullness of DESIRE for your heart. Eyes set ablaze with ZEALOUS, JEALOUS LOVE for you. Eyes that you CANNOT ESCAPE from. Eyes that you DON'T WANT TO ESCAPE from. Eyes that are so ALIEN, UNNERVING, AND TERRIFYING that you're trembling all over with fear, but at the same time are so FAMILIAR, COMFORTING, AND BEAUTIFUL that you don't want to look away. Eyes that hold the very essence of LOVE, MERCY, AND TENDERNESS, but also the absolute potency of WRATH, JUSTICE, AND ZEAL. The eyes that see into the deepest darkest abyss of your wickedness, sin, and filth, yet they are the same eyes that looked upon you in the epitome of desire and asked the Father for you to be with Him forever. These are the eyes which radiate with the love that is stronger than the grave. These are the eyes kindled with the yearning that caused a perfect, holy God to take on human flesh, live a human life, be bound by puny Roman chains, scorned, spit upon, slapped, punched, beat, scourged, mocked, humiliated, blasphemed, nailed to a tree, and to give up His very life for the weak, broken, inconsistent, unfaithful, inglorious, unworthy, inferior, selfish, pitiful love that we would give Him in return. These are the eyes of perfect wisdom. These are the eyes of endless beauty. These are the eyes that we are all meant to spend our lives gazing upon and loving. One glimpse of these eyes is worth highest price, the greatest sacrifice, the fullest surrender. One glimpse of the eyes of this Man is all that I am living for.

Thursday, February 17, 2011


So, I've been doing a poor job of spending time on my blog and I think that it's mostly because up until now I've only been putting teaching-like posts on it. However, I'm going to try to be more diligent about updating it much more frequently hereafter and not focusing my posts entirely on teaching, so that you, my faithful few followers, can know what's going on. I'm fairing extremely well here in Kansas City as an FSM student and Intercessionary Missionary. I'm currently also delivering pizza for Papa John's Pizza, and as a result I am almost more busy than I know how to handle. I'm growing so much with God at the same time though, and overall I'm just really excited about the season that I'm in. More updates to come soon! Bless you!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

The Patriarch

I've been studying Abraham lately. In the past, I never really paid any special attention to this man who is so important in the story of God. I mean I knew all the different stories about him from Sunday School and stuff growing up so when I got to the parts about him in the bible I would just read them as that: stories. This time around though I stopped and started really thinking about what I was reading, and I noticed a lot of things that I feel like aren't really emphasized enough. Abraham lived the first 75 years of his life outside of the land that would later become Israel. In fact, the first time that it's recorded that God ever spoke to him wasn't until that time. Now, I know that people lived much much longer back then, but I think that the fact that the father of the Hebrew people did not begin his life in God until he was already 75 years old is a very significant thing. I mean that's crazy to my way of thinking! God comes to this guy out of the blue and tells him when he's already 75 to leave the land of his father because he's going to create a great nation from his children! Abraham listened to Him too! He just got up and left. He lived an amazing life after that too. God just kept blessing him and blessing him. I mean he inherited an entire country from God! He was blessed with tons of goods and livestock. He was so wealthy that the people in the land that surrounded where he lived called him a prince. This guy was patient too! He was 75 when God promised him children, and his wife Sarah didn't have the child that God promised him until 25 years later! Twenty-five years of waiting, trusting God, and doing everything that He asked without exception. I know that Abraham lived to be 175, but that does not change the fact that 25 years is FOREVER!!! I mean if I had to wait 25 more years to have children I don't know how I would make it! Abraham was actually called Abram for most of his life. Abraham was the name that God gave him. Abram meant "exalted father" while Abraham meant "father of a multitude". Either way, this man was called to be a father his whole life, and he waited most of his life for it! I think that's amazing! So, here we have this guy who had this amazing relationship with God, was blessed beyond measure, but still he waited 25 years to have Isaac, the child of promise. And after the big wait for this kid; after he waited his whole life to be a father; after he received promise after promise from God that he was going to be the father of nations; God tells him to go up to the mountains, and sacrifice his one and only son that he waited so long for and whom he loves more than anything. This wasn't a "spiritual sacrifice". This was real. God was saying "Abraham, I want you to go up to the mountain and stab to death and burn your one and only son whom you love more than anything. The one whom I promised to you in the first place 25 years before he was born." I don't think I could ever understand what Abraham thought at that moment. He actually did as God asked. He really was going to sacrifice Isaac. It wasn't like he didn't love this kid or care about him. He waited 25 years for him. He was already 100 years old when Issac was born. You cannot even say that it was all God's idea for him to have children and that he never really wanted it. God said"Take now your son, your only son Issac, whom you love..." in Genesis 22:2. That verse is the first time in the entire bible that the word "love" is even used. Abraham loved this child more than you or I have ever loved anything in our lives, and his faith in God was so strong that he was still willing to give him as a sacrifice. As a sign of his love for God, he was willing to give the one thing that he loved most on this earth. We know that he didn't end up having to go through with it and that God provided another sacrifice, but I still cannot even begin to fathom how amazing this story is. I cannot wait to meet him when I get to the New Jerusalem. This man truly was great. God chose him to be the father of His chosen nation. I believe that God also chose him to have the greatest revelation of His heart that anyone has ever had because when Abraham was willing to give up Isaac in love for God he became a picture of God sacrificing His own Son in love for us.